Thursday, January 23, 2014

So I lied.

I know I said that since I was on school break, I would post more. Obviously that did not happen! Break consisted of me working still at my student job and then Erich and I went on vacation. Then I started school again the day after we got back. So there really wasn't a whole lot of time to be blogging in between then and now.

I'm currently pretty overwhelmed with my classes (umm 3 accounting classes and an online math class!), but as soon as I feel caught up and on top of those classes, I'll get some posts going. I'm trying to work on making more of my time which is proving to be difficult since I feel like I can't concentrate for more than 10 minutes! Ughhh, I swear I'm getting adult onset ADD or something! The internet doesn't help either. It's all "hey come check out this page" or "you should probably google that question you had that doesn't even matter". Seriously, I feel like I should some block all fun pages at my work desk so I can actually study/read here.

Anyways, like I said, I'll post more when I feel like I'm not drowning in accounting terms :)

Hugs and Luvs,


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