Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What I am currently doing

So it is a Wednesday night and in my book, that means watching Survivor. Can we just talk about how crazy it is that EVERYONE is burning the immunity idol clues this season?!?! I don't think that has happened ever in the history of Survivor! Okay end survivor rant :) and I'm nomming on some of this:
Unfortunately, that is not really my ice cream (correct flavor obvs) as mine is in just a bowl. So disappointing! Speaking of ice cream cones, I was changing in my car (yes I change in my car between jobs/school) the other day and was putting on a different pair of shoes and found part of an ice cream cone on my floor. Ummmm I can't tell you the last time I ate an ice cream cone, let alone in my car. File that one under: you need to clean your car more than once every 5 years. At least I know if I ever get stranded, I could probably survive for a bit of the food crumbs I find in my car.

Today consisted of my coffee job in the morning where today we watched twerking videos...unlike yesterday when we watched cat videos. Apparently people don't want hot coffee when its 20 degrees out?!?! But seriously, who doesn't want hot beverages when its that cold? I feel like I can't trust a person if a hot chocolate doesn't sound delish at these temperatures!

Then I went to class, then to my second job where I had to do a 4 hour training class. Except, apparently I was never given the form to submit so I could get the required information for said class. Oh well, I'm just glad I was able to eat lunch instead of sitting in a computer lab where no food was allowed.

After job numero dos, I went to my night class, where we play these business "simulations". I'm going to be real honest here, simulations = computer games. It's pretty sweet except I am apparently not very good at business computer games. Who would have known?

Maybe I'll use my last ounce of productivity to do some homework. Nahhhhh who am I kidding? I'm tapped out for the night. I'm going to go be horizontal on the couch until I go to sleep, which just happens to be 2 seconds after Survivor is over.

Hugs and Luvs,


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